PR6 Resilience Training Works
Improvement in resilience is primarily measured by the validated Predictive 6 Factor Resilience Scale (PR6) psychometric tool. This provides a centralised method to measure the six domains of resilience.
Overall Resilience Benefits
Firstly, we found important benefits in participants moving from low resilience (PR6 = 0-50%) to high resilience (PR6 = 85%+). Reaching this level embeds an important protective level of resilience, drastically lowering key mental health risks, and increasing behaviours that can further enable and protect wellbeing.
Measured on Big 5 personality factors, Neuroticism experienced a 2.9x overall risk reduction. Sub-factor breakdown:
- Vulnerability – 5.9x risk reduction
- Depression – 5.6x risk reduction
- Anxiety – 4.2x risk reduction
- Self-Consciousness – 4.2x risk reduction
- Immoderation – 1.9x risk reduction
- Anger – 1.8x risk reduction
Conscientiousness saw a 52% overall improvement. Sub-factor breakdown:
- Self-Discipline – 97% increase
- Orderliness – 59% increase
- Self-Efficacy – 56% increase
- Cautiousness – 50% increase
- Achievement Striving – 44% increase
- Dutifulness – 26% increase
Extraversion was also noted to increase by 65% overall. Sub-factor breakdown:
- Gregariousness – 99% increase
- Friendliness – 87% increase
- Cheerfulness – 86% increase
- Assertiveness – 66% increase
- Activity Level – 55% increase
See the research: Rossouw, J. G., (2024) Defining Protective Resilience: The 85% Threshold for Personality Development and Mental Health Risk Reduction. PsyArXiv DOI:
Resilience First Aid (RFA) Improvements
Where participants complete the accredited Resilience First Aid certification, we find immediate benefits both in their peer support skills, as well as personal resilience:
- Suicide awareness skills – 33% increase
- Communication skills – 22% increase
- Stigma awareness – 9% increase
- Composure (stress management) – 17% increase
- Tenacity (persistence) – 15% increase
- Overall resilience – 10% increase
See the research: Rossouw, J. G., Ruberto, M. (2024) Resilience First Aid improves peer support and suicide prevention skills: Conceptual design and pilot evaluation. ResearchGate Preprint. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26008.81920/1 –
Driven Resilience App Improvements
Those using the accredited Driven Resilience App found a significant increase over 6 months. This includes completing regular short modules to learn resilience skills. Overall improvements found are:
- 25% PR6 increase for regular users
- 16% PR6 increase for moderate users
- 10% increase for users on average
See the research: Rossouw, J. G., Erieau, C. L., & Beeson, E. T. (2019). Building resilience through a virtual coach called Driven: Longitudinal pilot study and the neuroscience of small, frequent learning tasks. International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy, 7(2), 23–41. doi:10.12744/ijnpt.2019.023-041 –
High Adversity Resilience Training (HART) Improvements
The following preliminary results (unpublished) have been found with participants completing the accredited HART certification, a valuable course for protecting those exposed to extreme stress against trauma through strength-based skills:
- Overall resilience – 12% increase
- Meaning and purpose – 16% increase
- Collaboration – 16% increase
- Physical health habits – 15% increase
- Job satisfaction – 9% increase
See the research: Rossouw, J.G., Herlofson, J., Geldenhuys, D.J., & Erieau, C.L. (2024). High Adversity Resilience Training (HART): Development for emergency responders and defence. Journal of Applied Neurosciences, 3(1), a8.
Resilience Training Over Time
Meaningful results with resilience training takes time. This is largely due to the normal process of behaviour change, involving rewiring of neural circuitry to embed new constructive habits and techniques. As this happens, the daily employment of resilience skills become more natural, leading to a broader uplift in quality of life and mental health protection.
This effect is very visible in resilience assessments over time:
Vulnerable people (PR6 = 0-50%) receiving training:
- 21% PR6 resilience increase in 30 days
- 49% PR6 resilience increase in 180 days
Overall improvements seen across all resilience training recipients:
- 9% PR6 resilience increase in 30 days
- 14% PR6 resilience increase in 180 days
When considering the starting points of people in various industries, we find overall the most people are not at a protective level of resilience (PR6 = 85%+). A broad overview of this is shown in the graphic below, ranked from overall highest to lowest in PR6 scores:
See the research: Rossouw, J. G. (2023). National Resilience Index: USA & Australia 2023. Hello Driven.
Youth Resilience Development
When delivering PR6 resilience training to students, a case study found significant improvements, resulting in a 21% improvement overall. This was achieved through a combined approach of coaching and using the app on a guided basis with a group of 14 year old’s.
Remarkable results were seen in key resilience domains across the group:
- 21% improvement in Vision – Sense of meaning and purpose
- 27% improvement in Composure – Emotional stability and mindfulness
- 35% improvement in Reasoning – Ability to plan ahead and adapt
- 25% improvement in Tenacity – Persistence and optimism
Case study: Melbourne Sports School Case Study.
Additional Benefits
See more benefits of resilience training for businesses in the infographic below.