Millions of people have lost their jobs through the COVID crisis. And even millions more young adults are facing the prospect of having to enter the job market in one of the worst recessions of history.
If you’ve been affected by this, you know the incredible stress that comes from this – not only financially, but especially the uncertainty of the future and how you will manage.
Because of this incredible challenge, we’ve just launched a completely free 21 Day Job Seeker Resilience course. This is available online, right now in the Driven Resilience App.
This course aims to:
Help manage stress, build persistence, and stay resilient through the job seeking process
Improve your chances of landing a job, even in a tough economic environment
Learn how to manage rejection, and use it as a source of motivation
The aim here is to help both with the mental aspects as well as build practical skills that can help you succeed faster.
What’s included
It’s a highly interactive course, during which you will:
Learn how to use practical resilience techniques to manage stress & stay focused
Assess your own job search confidence
Create a job search strategy to improve your chances of success
Learn about where to look for jobs (they’re not all on job search sites)
Set up a resume & social media profiles
Learn how to do great interviews, plus interactive interview prep sessions to make a lasting impression
Learn what questions to ask & following up
Do a comprehensive personality test to learn about your strengths
Learn about what to do once you have a job to make sure you keep it
Automatically create your own Job Search Plan as you work through the course
Yeah, it’s pretty awesome, if we have to say so ourselves! 🤖
Is this for you?
This course is great for:
Anyone that’s lost their jobs and are currently searching
Young adults and students heading into the job market for the first time
Parents with children or students who want to learn more about the job searching process
Anyone looking to get an edge in the job seeking process, and stay the course
All you need to do is download the Driven Resilience App and follow the prompts if you’re a new user.
Already have a Driven account?
You can find it under Explore > Work
Again, this course is completely FREE, so please share this with anyone that might need it.
Spread the word - share an image!
The following images are great to share on social media, with students or people you know, or in newsletters. Please help spread the word by sharing these and point back to this page.