Advancing resilience
Driven Labs continually invests in scientific validation and discovery to help you stay at the forefront of human advancement.

Driven Labs publishes ground-breaking peer-reviewed research and reports, building evidence around a comprehensive resilience model that incorporates both mental and physical aspects linked together through neuroscience.
Leading workplaces and universities around the world now use our model to understand human resilience in different contexts and as primary prevention to protect wellbeing.

2025 - Resilience First Aid Foundations
Peer reviewed research on the scientific foundation of RFA as a preventative program

2024 - National Resilience Index
US & Australia’s resilience over the last two years, and Resilience First Aid’s impact

2024 - PR6 & Big 5 Personality
How much protection does resilience provide, and how does personality develop?

2024 - Resilience First Aid Evaluation
Research results showing RFA increases both peer support and resilience skills

2024 - High Adversity Resilience Training
Research and neuroscience foundations of the HART Training Program

2023 - National
Resilience Index
2-Nation report comparing the US & Australia’s journey through the last two years

2022 - National
Resilience Index
Tracking PR6 development over the last two years through Australia & USA

2021 - National
Resilience Index
Resilience trends through the previous two years from pre-pandemic

2021 - RARE
Framework Paper
A broad framework to understand impact of exposures to mental health

2019 - Driven
Peer-Reviewed Results

2017 - Predictive
6-Factor Resilience Scale
How an improvement in resilience boosts job satisfaction

2016 - PR6 & Neuroscience Fundamentals Original Paper
Neurobiological fundamentals of the PR6 resilience scale and organizational application
White papers & research

Infographic – How Resilience Benefits Business
A walkthrough of the numbers that illustrate just how valuable it really is to invest in the resilience of staff, and the long-term return on investment.
PR6 Scale – Neurobiological fundamentals of the PR6 resilience scale and organizational application
Through this research the PR6 was scientifically validated as a psychometric scale with an alpha of 0.8398, indicating strong internal consistency.

Ground-breaking research on the Human Exposome
This research project aims to construct a cohesive framework that can act as a central nexus of exposome-related data, allowing for the aggregation of data and analysis to uncover unexpected causative factors of disease.
By connecting increasingly sophisticated datasets together, we can assist with uncovering causes of disease, as well as further protective factors. Opening additional markets as we progress. Mapping the exposome is the next big thing in health, holding more promise than the genome to reveal the causes of mental and physical disease.
Customer value
Driven delivers measurable business outcomes
Increased Resilience
Users become 25% more resilient within the first 6 months.
High Engagement
With over 200 engaging and interactive activities.
Improved Performance
91% of people improve from active participation.
Higher Job Satisfaction
Employees with higher resilience have 83% higher job satisfaction.

Resilience research papers
Driven Original Research
- Rossouw, J. G., & Ruberto, M. (2025). Resilience First Aid: Primary prevention through a strength-based peer support programme. Journal of Applied Neurosciences, 4(1), a17.
- Rossouw, J. G. (2024, October). National Resilience Index – USA & Australia 2024. Hello Driven.
- Rossouw, J. G., Ruberto, M. (2024) Resilience First Aid improves peer support and suicide prevention skills: Conceptual design and pilot evaluation. ResearchGate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26008.81920/1
- Rossouw, J. G., (2024) Defining Protective Resilience: The 85% Threshold for Personality Development and Mental Health Risk Reduction. PsyArXiv DOI:
- Rossouw, J. G., Herlofson, J., Geldenhuys, D. J., & Erieau, C. L. (2024). High Adversity Resilience Training (HART): Development for emergency responders and defence. Journal of Applied Neurosciences, 3(1), 8. DOI:
- Rossouw, J. G. (2023, October). National Resilience Index – USA & Australia 2023. Hello Driven.
- Rossouw, J. G. (2022, October). National Resilience Index Australia 2022. Hello Driven. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.10503.57762
- Rossouw, J. G. (2021, November). National Resilience Index Australia 2021. Hello Driven. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29377.94564
- Rossouw, J. G., Herlofson, J., Beeson, E. T. (2021, January). Developing the RARE Framework to Operationalize the Exposome in Mental Health. Hello Driven. DOI:
- Rossouw, J. G., Erieau, C. L., & Beeson, E. T. (2019). Building resilience through a virtual coach called Driven: Longitudinal pilot study and the neuroscience of small, frequent learning tasks. International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy, 7(2), 23-41. doi:10.12744/ijnpt.2019.023-041
- Rossouw, J. G., Rossouw, P.J., Paynter, C., Ward, A., Khnana, P. (2017). Predictive 6 Factor Resilience Scale – Domains of Resilience and Their Role as Enablers of Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy, 2(1), 25-40. doi: 10.12744/ijnpt.2017.1.0025-0040
- Rossouw, J. G. (2017). Executive Resilience: Neuroscience for the Business of Disruption. Driven Books
- Rossouw, P. J., & Rossouw, J. G. (2016). The predictive 6-factor resilience scale: Neurobiological fundamentals and organizational application. International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy, 4(1), 31–45. DOI:
PR6 Research by External Researchers
- Miller, R., Dickinson, R., & Beeson, E. T. (2024). Exploring counselor experiences of training in the PR6 resilience model. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1–18.
- Maltby, J. (2024). Networking trait resilience: Unifying fragmented trait resilience systems from an ecological systems theory perspective. Journal of Personality.
- Gyan, C., Hinkkala, J., & Kasapa, A. (2024). Survival and social support networks: visual narratives of labour market integration among highly skilled African immigrants in Quebec. Visual Studies, 1-17.
- Turner, M., & Holdsworth, S. (2024). Supporting a mentally healthy place of study: Examining the relationship between mental well‐being, stress, and protective factors among university students. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.
- Karayaman, s. (2023). The relationship between levels of conscience, patience, and psychological resilience: a four-profession study. Sciences (IJOESS), 14(54), 1573-1586.
- Barredo, R. (2022). Spiritual awareness, fear of covid-19, and resilience of non-teaching staffs.
- Ponce-Garcia, E., & Madewell, A. N. (2024). Scale of Protective Factors (SPF): Determinants of Resilience. In International Handbook of Behavioral Health Assessment (pp. 1-16). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Rodríguez Planas, N., Secor, A., & Balanzó Joue, R. D. (2023). Resilience-Thinking Training for College Students: Evidence from a Randomized Trial. IEB Working Paper 2023/12.
- Qin, Y. (2023). That Which Does Not Kill You on Wednesday Makes You Stronger On Friday: A Bidirectional Relationship between Resilience and Time. British Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3(2), 47-59.
- Alfuqaha, O. A. (2023). Validating the Arabic version of the Connor-Davidson resilience scale among university students. Plos one, 18(10), e0293384.
- László, T. (2022). Közelítések a reziliencia fogalmához és méréséhez a narrativitás kontextusában. REPLIKA, (127), 149-164.
- Card, K. G., Marshall, C., Aran, N., Bratu, A., Closson, K., Martin, G., … & Hogg, R. S. (2022). The Effect of Subjective Social Disconnectedness on Climate Change Anxiety. Available at SSRN 4097132.
- Slaymaker, R. R., O’Byrne, K. K., & Williams, P. E. (2022). The influence of socio-cognitive mindfulness and resilience on middle managers’ stress and thriving during COVID-19: Results from two studies. Journal of Management Development, 42(1), 54-75.
- Maltby, J., & Hall, S. S. (2022). Less is more. Discovering the latent factors of trait resilience. Journal of Research in Personality, 97, 104193.
- Simmons, D. R., Chau, A. D., & Turner, M. (2022). Validating resilience at university scale with future civil engineering and construction professionals. Journal of Management in Engineering, 38(5), 04022044.
- Marx, W., Manger, S. H., Blencowe, M., Murray, G., Ho, F. Y. Y., Lawn, S., … & O’Neil, A. (2023). Clinical guidelines for the use of lifestyle-based mental health care in major depressive disorder: World Federation of Societies for Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) and Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM) taskforce. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 24(5), 333-386.
- McManama O’Brien, K. H., Rowan, M., Willoughby, K., Griffith, K., & Christino, M. A. (2021). Psychological resilience in young female athletes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8668.
- Rahman, M. A., Yusoff, M. S. B., Roslan, N. S., Mohammad, J. A. M., & Ahmad, A. (2021). Development and validation of the medical professionals resilience scale. BMC health services research, 21, 1-9.
- Dickinson, R., Miller, R., & Beeson, E. T. (2021). Leveraging Neuroscience‐Informed Resilience Principles to Support Clients’ Career Decision‐Making. The Career Development Quarterly, 69(4), 340-354.
- Sabolová, F. A. (2020). Reziliencia ako koncept sociálnej práce.
- Maltby, J. (2024). Networking trait resilience: Unifying fragmented trait resilience systems from an ecological systems theory perspective. Journal of Personality.
- Slaymaker, R. R., O’Byrne, K. K., & Williams, P. E. (2022). The influence of socio-cognitive mindfulness and resilience on middle managers’ stress and thriving during COVID-19: Results from two studies. Journal of Management Development, 42(1), 54-75.
- Maltby, J., & Hall, S. S. (2022). Less is more. Discovering the latent factors of trait resilience. Journal of Research in Personality, 97, 104193.
- Demetriou, P. (2024). Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Learners in Post-16 Education. Taylor & Francis.
- Chesak, S. S., Perlman, A. I., Gill, P. R., & Bhagra, A. (2020, September). Strategies for resiliency of medical staff during COVID-19. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 95, No. 9, pp. S56-S59). Elsevier.