


PR6 Resilience & Job Satisfaction

Predictive 6 Factor Resilience Scale – Domains of Resilience and Their Role as Enablers of Job Satisfaction

Paper: Predictive 6 Factor Resilience Scale – Domains of Resilience and Their Role as Enablers of Job Satisfaction

Continuing from previous research on the Predictive 6 Factor Resilience Scale (PR6), this study provides further domain-level validation in addition to investigation of resilience as an enabler of job satisfaction.


A multi-stage testing format was employed using a group of primarily professional adults (n=617). Domain-level scales were developed through ratings from the research panel. Validation data was collected through an online measurement device. Multiple versions of the scales were tested for internal consistency, with scales retained, modified or rejected based on resulting scores. From this, domain-level scales were finalised, an extended 50-item resilience scale (PR6-50) was developed, and the 16-item PR6 was revised. Analysis was conducted against the Brief Index of Affective Job Satisfaction (BIAJS) and demographic data.


Scales for each domain were validated with good internal consistency (>0.70). The PR6-50 showed high internal consistency (0.9372), while the revised 16-item PR6 showed improved internal consistency (0.8398). Resilience results showed a correlation of 0.536 (P value < 0.001) with BIAJS, while the Vision domain showed the highest correlation at 0.607 (P value < 0.001).


The result strengthens the internal consistency and domain validity of the PR6, as well as establishing an extended version (PR6-50) for further resilience research and clinical purposes. The relationship of resilience to job satisfaction, in particular the Vision domain, provides additional pathways for exploration to improve employee engagement and performance in organisations.

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