PR6 & Related Research
800+ Additional research papers that support the Predictive 6 Factor Resilience Model.

Below are collections of research that formed the base of the creation of Driven's programs.
New Directions in Goal-Setting Theory
E.A. Locke, G.P. Latham, “New Directions in Goal-Setting Theory” Current Directions in Psychological Science, October 2006.…
Development of a new resilience scale: the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)
Connor, K. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2003). Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor‐Davidson resilience scale (CD‐RISC). Depression and anxiety, 18(2), 76-82.
Pressed for Time? Goal Conflict Shapes How Time is Perceived, Spent, and Valued
Etkin, J., Evangelidis, I., & Aaker, J. (2015). Pressed for time? Goal conflict shapes how time is perceived, spent, and valued. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(3), 394-406.…
Psychometric properties of the revised Norwegian dispositional resilience (hardiness) scale
Hystad, S. W., Eid, J., Johnsen, B. H., Laberg, J. C., & THOMAS BARTONE, P. A. U. L. (2010). Psychometric properties of the revised Norwegian dispositional resilience (hardiness) scale. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51(3), 237-245.…
Psychometric analysis and refinement of the Connor-davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Validation of a 10-item measure of resilience.
Burns, R. A., & Anstey, K. J. (2010). The Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Testing the invariance of a uni-dimensional resilience measure that is independent of positive and negative affect. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(5), 527-531.…
A psychometric assessment of the self-reported Youth Resiliency: Assessing Developmental Strengths questionnaire
Donnon, T., & Hammond, W. (2007). A psychometric assessment of the self-reported youth resiliency: assessing developmental strengths questionnaire 1, 2. Psychological reports, 100(3), 963-978.
A new rating scale for adult resilience: what are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment?
Friborg, O., Hjemdal, O., Rosenvinge, J. H., & Martinussen, M. (2003). A new rating scale for adult resilience: What are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment?. International journal of methods in psychiatric research, 12(2), 65-76.…
Development and psychometric evaluation of the Resilience Scale
Wagnild, G. M. Young, H. M. (1993). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Resilience Scale. Journal of nursing measurement, 1(2).
Measuring resiliency in youth: The resiliency attitudes and skills profile
Hurtes, K., & Allen, L. (2001). Measuring resiliency in youth: The Resiliency Attitude and Skills Profile. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 35(4), 333-347.…
The cross-cultural validity of the Resilience Scale for Adults: a comparison between Norway and Brazil
Hjemdal, O., Roazzi, A., Maria da Graça, B. B., & Friborg, O. (2015). The cross-cultural validity of the Resilience Scale for Adults: a comparison between Norway and Brazil. BMC psychology, 3(1), 1.
Promoting and Building Resilience in Primary School Communities: Evidence from a Comprehensive ‘Health Promoting School’ Approach
Stewart, D., Sun, J., Patterson, C., Lemerle, K., & Hardie, M. (2004). Promoting and building resilience in primary school communities: evidence from a comprehensive ‘health promoting school’approach. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 6(3), 26-33.…
Construct validity of the Adolescent Resilience Scale
Oshio, A., Kaneko, H., Nagamine, S., & Nakaya, M. (2003). Construct validity of the adolescent resilience scale. Psychological Reports, 93(3f), 1217-1222.…
Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self
Letzring, T. D., Block, J., & Funder, D. C. (2005). Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self. Journal of research in personality, 39(4), 395-422.…
Conceptual analysis and measurement of the construct of ego-resiliency.
Klohnen, E. C. (1996). Conceptual analysis and measurement of the construct of ego-resiliency. Journal of personality and social psychology, 70(5), 1067.…
A New Scale for Adolescent Resilience: Grasping the Central Protective Resources Behind Healthy Development
Hjemdal, O., Friborg, O., Stiles, T. C., Martinussen, M., & Rosenvinge, J. H. (2006). A New Scale for Adolescent Resilience: Grasping the Central Protective Resources Behind Healthy Development. Measurement and evaluation in Counseling and Development, 84-96.…
Adolescent resilience: a concept analysis
Olsson, C. A., Bond, L., Burns, J. M., Vella-Brodrick, D. A., & Sawyer, S. M. (2003). Adolescent resilience: A concept analysis. Journal of adolescence, 26(1), 1-11.…
Positive affect and the other side of coping
Folkman, S., & Moskowitz, J. T. (2000). Positive affect and the other side of coping. American psych…
Expectation, fantasy, and weight loss: Is the impact of positive thinking always positive?
Oettingen, G., & Wadden, T. A. (1991). Expectation, fantasy, and weight loss: Is the impact of positive thinking always positive?. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 15(2), 167-175.…
Positive fantasies about idealized futures sap energy
Kappes, H. B., & Oettingen, G. (2011). Positive fantasies about idealized futures sap energy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(4), 719-729.…
Expectancy effects on behavior depend on self-regulatory thought
Oettingen, G. (2000). Expectancy effects on behavior depend on self-regulatory thought. Social Cognition, 18(2), 101-129.…
A methodological review of resilience measurement scales
Windle, G., Bennett, K. M., & Noyes, J. (2011). A methodological review of resilience measurement scales. Health and quality of life outcomes, 9(8), 1-18.…
Neural correlates of psychological resilience and their relation to life satisfaction in a sample of healthy young adults
Kong, F., Wang, X., Hu, S., & Liu, J. (2015). Neural correlates of psychological resilience and their relation to life satisfaction in a sample of healthy young adults. Neuro Image, 123, 165-172.…
Comparing different approach and avoidance models of learning and personality in the prediction of work, university, and leadership outcomes
Jackson, C. J., Hobman, E. V., Jimmieson, N. L., & Martin, R. (2009). Comparing different approach and avoidance models of learning and personality in the prediction of work, university, and leadership outcomes. British journal of psychology, 100(2), 283-312.…
Approach-avoidance motivation in personality: approach and avoidance temperaments and goals
Elliot, A. J., & Thrash, T. M. (2002). Approach-avoidance motivation in personality: approach and avoidance temperaments and goals. Journal of personality and social psychology, 82(5), 804.…
Development and Validation of the Five-by-Five Resilience Scale
DeSimone, J. A., Harms, P. D., Vanhove, A. J., & Herian, M. N. (2016). Development and Validation of the Five-by-Five Resilience Scale. Assessment, 1073191115625803.…
Resilience in the face of adversity. Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorder.
Rutter, M. (1985). Resilience in the face of adversity. Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorder. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 147(6), 598-611.…
Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals
Elliot, A. J. (1999). Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals. Educational psychologist, 34(3), 169-189.…
Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals
Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of personality and social psychology, 92(6), 1087.…
Attachment, resilience and prevention
Svanberg, P. O. (1998). Attachment, resilience and prevention. Journal of Mental health, 7(6), 543-578.…
Introduction: Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators: The good and bad sides of the response to stress
McEwen, B. S. (2002). Introduction: Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators: The good and bad sides of the response to stress. Metabolism, 51(6), 2-4.…
Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators
McEwen, B. S. (1998). Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators. New England journal of medicine, 338(3), 171-179.
A Brief Index of Affective Job Satisfaction
Thompson, E. R., & Phua, F. T. (2012). A brief index of affective job satisfaction. Group & Organization Management, 37(3), 275-307.…
The Predictive 6-Factor Resilience Scale: Neurobiological Fundamentals and Organizational Application
Rossouw, P. J., & Rossouw, J. G. (2016). The Predictive 6-Factor Resilience Scale: Neurobiological Fundamentals and Organizational Application.…
Integration of the cognitive and the psychodynamic unconscious
Epstein, S. (1994). Integration of the cognitive and the psychodynamic unconscious. American Psychologist, 49(8), 709.…
Cognitive‐experiential self‐theory of personality
Epstein, S. (2003). Cognitive‐experiential self‐theory of personality. Handbook of psychology.…
Job and work attitudes, engagement and employee performance: Where does psychological well‐being fit in?
Robertson, I. T., Jansen Birch, A., & Cooper, C. L. (2012). Job and work attitudes, engagement and employee performance: Where does psychological well-being fit in?. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 33(3), 224-232.
Emotional responses to goal attainment: strength of regulatory focus as moderator
Higgins, E. T., Shah, J., & Friedman, R. (1997). Emotional responses to goal attainment: strength of regulatory focus as moderator. Journal of personality and social psychology, 72(3), 515.…
Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory of Personality
Epstein, S. (2003). Cognitive-experiential self-theory of personality. In Millon, T., & Lerner, M. J. (Eds), Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Volume 5: Personality and Social Psychology ( pp. 159-184). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons.)
Emotion and self-theory
Epstein, S. (1993). Emotion and self-theory. Handbook of emotions, 313-326.…
The Interpretation of Dreams (Part One). 1900. Vol. 4 of The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. 24 vols. Ed. and trans. James Strachey. London: Hogarth
Freud, S. (1909). The Interpretation of Dreams (Part One). 1900. Vol. 4 of The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. 24 vols. Ed. and trans. James Strachey. London: Hogarth, 1953-74. Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy (Little Hans), 10, 3-149.…
Personality and psychotherapy; an analysis in terms of learning, thinking, and culture
Dollard, J., & Miller, N. E. (1950). Personality and psychotherapy; an analysis in terms of learning, thinking, and culture.…
A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy human development
Bowlby, J. (2008). A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy human development. Basic books.…
Client-centered therapy; its current practice, implications, and theory
Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client-centered therapy; its current practice, implications, and theory.…
The Analysis of the Self
Kohut, H. (1971). The Analysis of the Self (Madison, CT.) International Universities.…
Pattern and growth in personality
Allport, G. W. (1961). Pattern and growth in personality. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.…
Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness
Critchley, H. D., Wiens, S., Rotshtein, P., & Dolan, R. J. (2004). Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness. Nature neuroscience, 7(2), 189.…
Values as Leading Principles in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Robb, H. (2007). Values as leading principles in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 3(1), 118.…
Embracing Your Demons: an Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Harris, R. (2006). Embracing your demons: an overview of acceptance and commitment therapy. Psychotherapy in Australia, 12(4), 70.…
Organisational Applications of Social Cognitive Theory
Bandura, A. (1988). Organisational applications of social cognitive theory. Australian journal of management, 13(2), 275-302.…
Acceptance and commitment therapy: An experiential approach to behavior change.
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K. D., & Wilson, K. G. (1999). Acceptance and commitment therapy: An experiential approach to behavior change. Guilford Press.…
Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: The international collaboration of workforce resilience model
Rees, Clare & Breen, Lauren & Cusack, Lynette & Hegney, Desley. (2015). Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: The international collaboration of workforce resilience model. Frontiers in Psychology. 6. 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00073.…
Maslach burnout inventory
Maslach, C., Jackson, S. E., Leiter, M. P., Schaufeli, W. B., & Schwab, R. L. (1986). Maslach burnout inventory (Vol. 21, pp. 3463-3464). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.…
Gratitude predicts psychological well-being above the Big Five facets
Wood, A. M., Joseph, S., & Maltby, J. (2009). Gratitude predicts psychological well-being above the Big Five facets. Personality and Individual differences, 46(4), 443-447.…
Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is related to psychological resources
Saphire-Bernstein, S., Way, B. M., Kim, H. S., Sherman, D. K., & Taylor, S. E. (2011). Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is related to psychological resources. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201113137.…
Measuring spiritual well-being in people with cancer: the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy—Spiritual Well-being Scale (FACIT-Sp)
Peterman, A. H., Fitchett, G., Brady, M. J., Hernandez, L., & Cella, D. (2002). Measuring spiritual well-being in people with cancer: the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy—Spiritual Well-being Scale (FACIT-Sp). Annals of behavioral medicine, 24(1), 49-58.…
Leading a meaningful life at older ages and its relationship with social engagement, prosperity, health, biology, and time use
Steptoe, A., & Fancourt, D. (2019). Leading a meaningful life at older ages and its relationship with social engagement, prosperity, health, biology, and time use. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(4), 1207-1212.…
Understanding Resilience and Preventing and Treating PTSD
Horn, S. R., & Feder, A. (2018). Understanding resilience and preventing and treating PTSD. Harvard review of psychiatry, 26(3), 158-174.…
The Power Threat Meaning Framework: Towards the identification of patterns in emotional distress, unusual experiences and troubled or troubling behaviour, as an iternative to functional psychiatric diagnosis.
Johnstone, L. & Boyle, M. with Cromby, J., Dillon, J., Harper, D., Kinderman, P., Longden, E., Pilgrim, D. & Read, J. (2018). The Power Threat Meaning Framework: Towards the identification of patterns in emotional distress, unusual experiences and troubled or troubling behaviour, as an iternative to functional psychiatric diagnosis. Leicester: British Psychological Society.…
Suicidal behaviour: comments, advancements, challenges. A European perspective
Rutz, W. (2004). Suicidal behaviour: comments, advancements, challenges. A European perspective. World Psychiatry, 3(3), 161.…
A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics
Stanley, I. H., Hom, M. A., & Joiner, T. E. (2016). A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics. Clinical psychology review, 44, 25-44.…
Wellbeing across occupations and in the emergency services: A mixed methods study
Hamling, K. (2018). Wellbeing across occupations and in the emergency services: A mixed methods study (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).…
Wellbeing Across Occupations and in the Emergency Services: a Mixed Methods Study
Hamling, K. (2018). Wellbeing across occupations and in the emergency services: A mixed methods study (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).
Master resilience training in the U.S. Army
Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.
What is resilience: an affiliative neuroscience approach
Feldman, R. (2020). What is resilience: an affiliative neuroscience approach. World Psychiatry, 19(2), 132-150.
Resilience Training for Firefighters: A Proposed Approach
Deppa, K. F. (2015). Resilience training for firefighters: A proposed approach.…
Maladaptive self-appraisals before trauma exposure predict posttraumatic stress disorder
Bryant, R. A., & Guthrie, R. M. (2007). Maladaptive self-appraisals before trauma exposure predict posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75(5), 812.…
Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals
Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of personality and social psychology, 92(6), 1087.
A Comprehensive Approach to Workplace Stress & Trauma in Fire-Fighting: A Review Document Prepared for The International Association of Firefighters 17th Redmond Symposium
Fisher, P., & Etches, B. (2003). A comprehensive approach to workplace stress & trauma in fire-fighting: A review document prepared for the International Association of Firefighters 17th Redmond Symposium. In 17th Redmond Symposium, San Francisco, CA.…
Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back From Negative Emotional Experiences
M.M. Tugade, B.L. Fredrickson, “Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back From Negative Emotional Experiences” J Pers Soc Psychol, 2011.…
Psychological Resilience and Positive Emotional Granularity: Examining the Benefits of Positive Emotions on Coping and Health
M.M. Tugade, B.L. Fredrickson, L. Feldman Barrett, “Psychological Resilience and Positive Emotional Granularity: Examining the Benefits of Positive Emotions on Coping and Health” J Pers Soc Psychol, 2005.…
Development of a new resilience scale: the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)
Connor, K. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2003). Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor‐Davidson resilience scale (CD‐RISC). Depression and anxiety, 18(2), 76-82.
Pressed for Time? Goal Conflict Shapes How Time is Perceived, Spent, and Valued
Etkin, J., Evangelidis, I., & Aaker, J. (2015). Pressed for time? Goal conflict shapes how time is perceived, spent, and valued. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(3), 394-406.…
How to Handle Anxiety: The Effects of Reappraisal, Acceptance, and Suppression Strategies on Anxious Arousal
Hofmann, S. G., Heering, S., Sawyer, A. T., & Asnaani, A. (2009). How to handle anxiety: The effects of reappraisal, acceptance, and suppression strategies on anxious arousal. Behaviour research and therapy, 47(5), 389-394.…
Positive interpretation bias predicts well-being in medical interns
Kleim, B., Thörn, H. A., & Ehlert, U. (2014). Positive interpretation bias predicts well-being in medical interns. Frontiers in psychology, 5.…
Developing a measure of interpretation bias for depressed mood: An ambiguous scenarios test
Berna, C., Lang, T. J., Goodwin, G. M., & Holmes, E. A. (2011). Developing a measure of interpretation bias for depressed mood: An ambiguous scenarios test. Personality and individual differences, 51(3), 349-354.…
Simply Imagining Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows Will Not Budge the Bias: The Role of Ambiguity in Interpretive Bias Modification
Clarke, P. J., Nanthakumar, S., Notebaert, L., Holmes, E. A., Blackwell, S. E., & MacLeod, C. (2014). Simply imagining sunshine, lollipops and rainbows will not budge the bias: The role of ambiguity in interpretive bias modification. Cognitive therapy and research, 38(2), 120-131.
Psychometric analysis and refinement of the Connor-davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Validation of a 10-item measure of resilience.
Burns, R. A., & Anstey, K. J. (2010). The Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Testing the invariance of a uni-dimensional resilience measure that is independent of positive and negative affect. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(5), 527-531.…
A psychometric assessment of the self-reported Youth Resiliency: Assessing Developmental Strengths questionnaire
Donnon, T., & Hammond, W. (2007). A psychometric assessment of the self-reported youth resiliency: assessing developmental strengths questionnaire 1, 2. Psychological reports, 100(3), 963-978.
A new rating scale for adult resilience: what are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment?
Friborg, O., Hjemdal, O., Rosenvinge, J. H., & Martinussen, M. (2003). A new rating scale for adult resilience: What are the central protective resources behind healthy adjustment?. International journal of methods in psychiatric research, 12(2), 65-76.…
Development and psychometric evaluation of the Resilience Scale
Wagnild, G. M. Young, H. M. (1993). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Resilience Scale. Journal of nursing measurement, 1(2).
Measuring resiliency in youth: The resiliency attitudes and skills profile
Hurtes, K., & Allen, L. (2001). Measuring resiliency in youth: The Resiliency Attitude and Skills Profile. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 35(4), 333-347.…
The cross-cultural validity of the Resilience Scale for Adults: a comparison between Norway and Brazil
Hjemdal, O., Roazzi, A., Maria da Graça, B. B., & Friborg, O. (2015). The cross-cultural validity of the Resilience Scale for Adults: a comparison between Norway and Brazil. BMC psychology, 3(1), 1.
Promoting and Building Resilience in Primary School Communities: Evidence from a Comprehensive ‘Health Promoting School’ Approach
Stewart, D., Sun, J., Patterson, C., Lemerle, K., & Hardie, M. (2004). Promoting and building resilience in primary school communities: evidence from a comprehensive ‘health promoting school’approach. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 6(3), 26-33.…
Construct validity of the Adolescent Resilience Scale
Oshio, A., Kaneko, H., Nagamine, S., & Nakaya, M. (2003). Construct validity of the adolescent resilience scale. Psychological Reports, 93(3f), 1217-1222.…
Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self
Letzring, T. D., Block, J., & Funder, D. C. (2005). Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self. Journal of research in personality, 39(4), 395-422.…
A New Scale for Adolescent Resilience: Grasping the Central Protective Resources Behind Healthy Development
Hjemdal, O., Friborg, O., Stiles, T. C., Martinussen, M., & Rosenvinge, J. H. (2006). A New Scale for Adolescent Resilience: Grasping the Central Protective Resources Behind Healthy Development. Measurement and evaluation in Counseling and Development, 84-96.…
Adolescent resilience: a concept analysis
Olsson, C. A., Bond, L., Burns, J. M., Vella-Brodrick, D. A., & Sawyer, S. M. (2003). Adolescent resilience: A concept analysis. Journal of adolescence, 26(1), 1-11.…
Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought-action repertoires
Fredrickson, B. L., & Branigan, C. (2005). Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought‐action repertoires. Cognition & emotion, 19(3), 313-332.…
Positive affect and the other side of coping
Folkman, S., & Moskowitz, J. T. (2000). Positive affect and the other side of coping. American psych…
A methodological review of resilience measurement scales
Windle, G., Bennett, K. M., & Noyes, J. (2011). A methodological review of resilience measurement scales. Health and quality of life outcomes, 9(8), 1-18.…
Neural correlates of psychological resilience and their relation to life satisfaction in a sample of healthy young adults
Kong, F., Wang, X., Hu, S., & Liu, J. (2015). Neural correlates of psychological resilience and their relation to life satisfaction in a sample of healthy young adults. Neuro Image, 123, 165-172.…
Comparing different approach and avoidance models of learning and personality in the prediction of work, university, and leadership outcomes
Jackson, C. J., Hobman, E. V., Jimmieson, N. L., & Martin, R. (2009). Comparing different approach and avoidance models of learning and personality in the prediction of work, university, and leadership outcomes. British journal of psychology, 100(2), 283-312.…
Approach-avoidance motivation in personality: approach and avoidance temperaments and goals
Elliot, A. J., & Thrash, T. M. (2002). Approach-avoidance motivation in personality: approach and avoidance temperaments and goals. Journal of personality and social psychology, 82(5), 804.…
Mood changes associated with blood glucose fluctuations in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Gonder-Frederick, L. A., Cox, D. J., Bobbitt, S. A., & Pennebaker, J. W. (1989). Mood changes associated with blood glucose fluctuations in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Health Psychology, 8(1), 45.…
Psychological Resilience and Positive Emotional Granularity: Examining the Benefits of Positive Emotions on Coping and Health
Tugade, M. M., Fredrickson, B. L., & Feldman Barrett, L. (2004). Psychological resilience and positive emotional granularity: Examining the benefits of positive emotions on coping and health. Journal of personality, 72(6), 1161-1190.…
Impact of chronic and acute stressors on daily reports of mood
Eckenrode, J. (1984). Impact of chronic and acute stressors on daily reports of mood. Journal of personality and social psychology, 46(4), 907.…
Mood and anxiety disorders associated with chronic pain: an examination in a nationally representative sample
McWilliams, L. A., Cox, B. J., & Enns, M. W. (2003). Mood and anxiety disorders associated with chronic pain: an examination in a nationally representative sample. Pain, 106(1), 127-133.…
Psychological resilience contributes to low emotional distress in cancer patients
Min, J. A., Yoon, S., Lee, C. U., Chae, J. H., Lee, C., Song, K. Y., & Kim, T. S. (2013). Psychological resilience contributes to low emotional distress in cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 21(9), 2469-2476.…
Promoting Student Well-being and Resilience at Law School
Watson, P., & Field, R. (2011). Promoting student wellbeing and resilience at law school. Excellence and innovation in legal education, 411-419.…
Development and Validation of the Five-by-Five Resilience Scale
DeSimone, J. A., Harms, P. D., Vanhove, A. J., & Herian, M. N. (2016). Development and Validation of the Five-by-Five Resilience Scale. Assessment, 1073191115625803.…
OUT OF THE SHADOWS Making Mental Health a Global Development Priority
World Health Organisation. (2014). Out of the Shadows, Making Mental Health a Global Development Priority. Retrieved from…
Resilience: A Protector From Depression
Edward, K. L. (2005). Resilience: A protector from depression. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 11(4), 241-243.…
Resilience and Depressive Disorders
Elisei, S., Sciarma, T., Verdolini, N., & Anastasi, S. (2013). Resilience and depressive disorders. Psychiatr. Danub, 25, S263-S267.
Resilience in the face of adversity. Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorder.
Rutter, M. (1985). Resilience in the face of adversity. Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorder. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 147(6), 598-611.…
You want to measure coping but your protocol’s too long: Consider the brief cope
Carver, C. S. (1997). You want to measure coping but your protocol’s too long: Consider the brief cope. International journal of behavioral medicine, 4(1), 92-100.…
Attachment and the regulation of the right brain
Schore, A. N. (2000). Attachment and the regulation of the right brain. Attachment & human development, 2(1), 23-47.…
Association between obesity and depression in middle-aged women
Simon, G. E., Ludman, E. J., Linde, J. A., Operskalski, B. H., Ichikawa, L., Rohde, P., … & Jeffery, R. W. (2008). Association between obesity and depression in middle-aged women. General Hospital Psychiatry, 30(1), 32-39.…
Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition
Kerkhof, G. A., & Van Dongen, H. P. A. (2010). Effects of sleep deprivation on cognition. Human Sleep and Cognition: Basic Research, 185, 105.…
The Predictive 6-Factor Resilience Scale: Neurobiological Fundamentals and Organizational Application
Rossouw, P. J., & Rossouw, J. G. (2016). The Predictive 6-Factor Resilience Scale: Neurobiological Fundamentals and Organizational Application.…
The Tutsi genocide and transgenerational transmission of maternal stress: epigenetics and biology of the HPA axis
Perroud, N., Rutembesa, E., Paoloni-Giacobino, A., Mutabaruka, J., Mutesa, L., Stenz, L., … & Karege, F. (2014). The Tutsi genocide and transgenerational transmission of maternal stress: epigenetics and biology of the HPA axis. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 15(4), 334-345.…
Chronic stress leads to epigenetic dysregulation in the neuropeptide-Y and cannabinoid CB1 receptor genes in the mouse cingulate cortex.
Lomazzo, E., König, F., Abassi, L., Jelinek, R., & Lutz, B. (2017). Chronic stress leads to epigenetic dysregulation in the neuropeptide-Y and cannabinoid CB1 receptor genes in the mouse cingulate cortex. Neuropharmacology, 113, 301-313.…
Genetic variation in human NPY expression affects stress response and emotion.
Zhou, Z., Zhu, G., Hariri, A. R., Enoch, M. A., Scott, D., Sinha, R., … & Hodgkinson, C. A. (2008). Genetic variation in human NPY expression affects stress response and emotion. Nature, 452(7190), 997.…
Bodily changes in pain, hunger, fear, and rage
Cannon, W. B. (1916). Bodily changes in pain, hunger, fear, and rage: An account of recent researches into the function of emotional excitement. D. Appleton.…
Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness
Critchley, H. D., Wiens, S., Rotshtein, P., & Dolan, R. J. (2004). Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness. Nature neuroscience, 7(2), 189.…
Organisational Applications of Social Cognitive Theory
Bandura, A. (1988). Organisational applications of social cognitive theory. Australian journal of management, 13(2), 275-302.…
Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: The international collaboration of workforce resilience model
Rees, Clare & Breen, Lauren & Cusack, Lynette & Hegney, Desley. (2015). Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: The international collaboration of workforce resilience model. Frontiers in Psychology. 6. 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00073.…
Breathing control center neurons that promote arousal in mice
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Correlation between cortisol level and serotonin uptake in patients with chronic stress and depression
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Maslach burnout inventory
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Oxytocin receptor genetic variation relates to empathy and stress reactivity in humans.
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Soothing music can increase oxytocin levels during bed rest after open‐heart surgery: a randomised control trial
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Massage increases oxytocin and reduces adrenocorticotropin hormone in humans.
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Overshadowed by the amygdala: the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis emerges as key to psychiatric disorders
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Placing the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus within the brain circuits that control behavior
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A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation.
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The validity of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: an updated literature review
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Measuring spiritual well-being in people with cancer: the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy—Spiritual Well-being Scale (FACIT-Sp)
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The PHQ-9: a new depression diagnostic and severity measure
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The PHQ‐9: validity of a brief depression severity measure
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Assessing depression in primary care with the PHQ‐9: can it be carried out over the telephone?
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Behavior Assessment System for Children, (BASC-2) Handout
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Parenting Stress Index (PSI)
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The Effects of a School-Based Psychosocial Intervention on Resilience and Health Outcomes Among Vulnerable Children
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The Effect of Implementing Coping Strategies on the Academic Achievement of First-Grade Students
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A qualitative study of mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy for depression
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Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.
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Prefrontal Plasticity and Stress Inoculation-Induced Resilience
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Understanding Resilience and Preventing and Treating PTSD
Horn, S. R., & Feder, A. (2018). Understanding resilience and preventing and treating PTSD. Harvard review of psychiatry, 26(3), 158-174.…
Cognitive appraisals, objectivity and coping in ambulance workers: a pilot study
Shepherd, L., & Wild, J. (2014). Cognitive appraisals, objectivity and coping in ambulance workers: a pilot study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 31(1), 41-44.…
A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics
Stanley, I. H., Hom, M. A., & Joiner, T. E. (2016). A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics. Clinical psychology review, 44, 25-44.…
Neuroticism Increases PTSD Symptom Severity by Amplifying the Emotionality, Rehearsal, and Centrality of Trauma Memories
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Wellbeing Across Occupations and in the Emergency Services: a Mixed Methods Study
Hamling, K. (2018). Wellbeing across occupations and in the emergency services: A mixed methods study (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).
Whatever Gets You Through Today: An Examination of Cynical Humor Among Emergency Service Professionals
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Master resilience training in the U.S. Army
Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.
Resilience Training for Firefighters: A Proposed Approach
Deppa, K. F. (2015). Resilience training for firefighters: A proposed approach.…
The Primary Prevention of PTSD in Firefighters: Preliminary Results of an RCT with 12-Month Follow-Up
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Occupational health effects for firefighters: The extent and implications of physical and psychological injuries
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Development of a new resilience scale: the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)
Connor, K. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2003). Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor‐Davidson resilience scale (CD‐RISC). Depression and anxiety, 18(2), 76-82.
Psychometric properties of the revised Norwegian dispositional resilience (hardiness) scale
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IQ and ego-resiliency: conceptual and empirical connections and separateness
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Psychometric analysis and refinement of the Connor-davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Validation of a 10-item measure of resilience.
Burns, R. A., & Anstey, K. J. (2010). The Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Testing the invariance of a uni-dimensional resilience measure that is independent of positive and negative affect. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(5), 527-531.…
A psychometric assessment of the self-reported Youth Resiliency: Assessing Developmental Strengths questionnaire
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Development and psychometric evaluation of the Resilience Scale
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Measuring resiliency in youth: The resiliency attitudes and skills profile
Hurtes, K., & Allen, L. (2001). Measuring resiliency in youth: The Resiliency Attitude and Skills Profile. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 35(4), 333-347.…
Construct validity of the Adolescent Resilience Scale
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Assessing Resilience Across Cultures Using Mixed Methods: Construction of the Child and Youth Resilience Measure
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Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self
Letzring, T. D., Block, J., & Funder, D. C. (2005). Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self. Journal of research in personality, 39(4), 395-422.…
Conceptual analysis and measurement of the construct of ego-resiliency.
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Adolescent resilience: a concept analysis
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Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought-action repertoires
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Positive affect and the other side of coping
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Expectancy effects on behavior depend on self-regulatory thought
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Resilience in Development
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A methodological review of resilience measurement scales
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Neural correlates of psychological resilience and their relation to life satisfaction in a sample of healthy young adults
Kong, F., Wang, X., Hu, S., & Liu, J. (2015). Neural correlates of psychological resilience and their relation to life satisfaction in a sample of healthy young adults. Neuro Image, 123, 165-172.…
Comparing different approach and avoidance models of learning and personality in the prediction of work, university, and leadership outcomes
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Approach-avoidance motivation in personality: approach and avoidance temperaments and goals
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Development and Validation of the Five-by-Five Resilience Scale
DeSimone, J. A., Harms, P. D., Vanhove, A. J., & Herian, M. N. (2016). Development and Validation of the Five-by-Five Resilience Scale. Assessment, 1073191115625803.…
Resilience in the face of adversity. Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorder.
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Does the perception that stress affects health matter? The association with health and mortality.
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The Predictive 6-Factor Resilience Scale: Neurobiological Fundamentals and Organizational Application
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Integration of the cognitive and the psychodynamic unconscious
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Cognitive‐experiential self‐theory of personality
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Resistance training promotes cognitive and functional brain plasticity in seniors with probable mild cognitive impairment: A 6-month randomized controlled trial
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Emotional responses to goal attainment: strength of regulatory focus as moderator
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Cognitive-Experiential Self-Theory of Personality
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Emotion and self-theory
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The Interpretation of Dreams (Part One). 1900. Vol. 4 of The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. 24 vols. Ed. and trans. James Strachey. London: Hogarth
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Personality and psychotherapy; an analysis in terms of learning, thinking, and culture
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A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy human development
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Client-centered therapy; its current practice, implications, and theory
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The Analysis of the Self
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Pattern and growth in personality
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Values as Leading Principles in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
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Embracing Your Demons: an Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
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Organisational Applications of Social Cognitive Theory
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Acceptance and commitment therapy: An experiential approach to behavior change.
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Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: The international collaboration of workforce resilience model
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The Role of Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Memory and Decision Making
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Maslach burnout inventory
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Gratitude predicts psychological well-being above the Big Five facets
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Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is related to psychological resources
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A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation.
Lyubomirsky, S., & Lepper, H. S. (1999). A measure of subjective happiness: Preliminary reliability and construct validation. Social indicators research, 46(2), 137-155.…
Measuring financial toxicity as a clinically relevant patient‐reported outcome: The validation of the COmprehensive Score for financial Toxicity (COST)
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Teaching Resilience to Maltreated Children
Lowenthal, B. (2001). Teaching resilience to maltreated children. Reclaiming children and youth, 10(3), 169.…
Resilience in Development
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Understanding Resilience and Preventing and Treating PTSD
Horn, S. R., & Feder, A. (2018). Understanding resilience and preventing and treating PTSD. Harvard review of psychiatry, 26(3), 158-174.…
“Why” or “How”: The Effect of Concrete Versus Abstract Processing on Intrusive Memories Following Analogue Trauma
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A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics
Stanley, I. H., Hom, M. A., & Joiner, T. E. (2016). A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics. Clinical psychology review, 44, 25-44.…
Job stressors, emotional exhaustion, and need for recovery: A multi-source study on the benefits of psychological detachment
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Wellbeing Across Occupations and in the Emergency Services: a Mixed Methods Study
Hamling, K. (2018). Wellbeing across occupations and in the emergency services: A mixed methods study (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).
Master resilience training in the U.S. Army
Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.
Resilience Training for Firefighters: A Proposed Approach
Deppa, K. F. (2015). Resilience training for firefighters: A proposed approach.…
“Why” or “How”: The Effect of Concrete Versus Abstract Processing on Intrusive Memories Following Analogue Trauma
White, R., & Wild, J. (2016). “Why” or “how”: The effect of concrete versus abstract processing on intrusive memories following analogue trauma. Behavior therapy, 47(3), 404-415.
Expectation, fantasy, and weight loss: Is the impact of positive thinking always positive?
G. Oettingen, T.A. Wadden, “Expectation, fantasy, and weight loss: Is the impact of positive thinking always positive?” Cognitive Therapy and Research, 15, 167−175, 1991.
Positive fantasies about idealized futures sap energy
H.B. Kappes, G. Oettingen, “Positive fantasies about idealized futures sap energy” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 719–729, 2011.…
Cognitive functioning in healthy aging: the role of reserve and lifestyle factors early in life
T. Fritsch, M.J. McClendon, K.A. Smyth, A.J. Lerner, R.P. Friedland, J.D. Larsen, “Cognitive functioning in healthy aging: the role of reserve and lifestyle factors early in life” Gerontologist, 47(3):307-22, Jun 2007.…
Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back From Negative Emotional Experiences
M.M. Tugade, B.L. Fredrickson, “Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back From Negative Emotional Experiences” J Pers Soc Psychol, 2011.…
Development of a new resilience scale: the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)
Connor, K. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2003). Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor‐Davidson resilience scale (CD‐RISC). Depression and anxiety, 18(2), 76-82.
Resilience, A Neurobiological Perspective
Rossouw, P. (2015). Resilience: A neurobiological perspective. Neuropsychotherapy in Australia, (31), 3-8.
Psychometric analysis and refinement of the Connor-davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Validation of a 10-item measure of resilience.
Burns, R. A., & Anstey, K. J. (2010). The Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC): Testing the invariance of a uni-dimensional resilience measure that is independent of positive and negative affect. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(5), 527-531.…
Development and psychometric evaluation of the Resilience Scale
Wagnild, G. M. Young, H. M. (1993). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Resilience Scale. Journal of nursing measurement, 1(2).
Measuring resiliency in youth: The resiliency attitudes and skills profile
Hurtes, K., & Allen, L. (2001). Measuring resiliency in youth: The Resiliency Attitude and Skills Profile. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 35(4), 333-347.…
The Brief Resilience Scale: Assessing the Ability to Bounce Back
Smith, B. W., Dalen, J., Wiggins, K., Tooley, E., Christopher, P., & Bernard, J. (2008). The brief resilience scale: assessing the ability to bounce back. International journal of behavioral medicine, 15(3), 194-200.…
Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self
Letzring, T. D., Block, J., & Funder, D. C. (2005). Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self. Journal of research in personality, 39(4), 395-422.…
Adolescent resilience: a concept analysis
Olsson, C. A., Bond, L., Burns, J. M., Vella-Brodrick, D. A., & Sawyer, S. M. (2003). Adolescent resilience: A concept analysis. Journal of adolescence, 26(1), 1-11.…
Expectation, fantasy, and weight loss: Is the impact of positive thinking always positive?
Oettingen, G., & Wadden, T. A. (1991). Expectation, fantasy, and weight loss: Is the impact of positive thinking always positive?. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 15(2), 167-175.…
Positive fantasies about idealized futures sap energy
Kappes, H. B., & Oettingen, G. (2011). Positive fantasies about idealized futures sap energy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(4), 719-729.…
Expectancy effects on behavior depend on self-regulatory thought
Oettingen, G. (2000). Expectancy effects on behavior depend on self-regulatory thought. Social Cognition, 18(2), 101-129.…
Resilience in Development
Masten, A. S., Cutuli, J. J., Herbers, J. E., & Reed, M. G. (2009). 12 Resilience in Development. Oxford handbook of positive psychology, 117.…
A methodological review of resilience measurement scales
Windle, G., Bennett, K. M., & Noyes, J. (2011). A methodological review of resilience measurement scales. Health and quality of life outcomes, 9(8), 1-18.…
Neural correlates of psychological resilience and their relation to life satisfaction in a sample of healthy young adults
Kong, F., Wang, X., Hu, S., & Liu, J. (2015). Neural correlates of psychological resilience and their relation to life satisfaction in a sample of healthy young adults. Neuro Image, 123, 165-172.…
Development and Validation of the Five-by-Five Resilience Scale
DeSimone, J. A., Harms, P. D., Vanhove, A. J., & Herian, M. N. (2016). Development and Validation of the Five-by-Five Resilience Scale. Assessment, 1073191115625803.…
Resilience in the face of adversity. Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorder.
Rutter, M. (1985). Resilience in the face of adversity. Protective factors and resistance to psychiatric disorder. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 147(6), 598-611.…
Resilience and thriving: Issues, models, and linkages
Carver, C. S. (1998). Resilience and thriving: Issues, models, and linkages. Journal of social issues, 54(2), 245-266.…
Influence of the fusiform gyrus on amygdala response to emotional faces in the non-clinical range of social anxiety
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Treating traumatic stress in children and adolescents: How to foster resilience through attachment, self-regulation, and competency
Blaustein, M. E., & Kinniburgh, K. M. (2010). Treating traumatic stress in children and adolescents: How to foster resilience through attachment, self-regulation, and competency. Guilford Press.…
Attachment, resilience and prevention
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The Interplay of Stress and Sleep Impacts BDNF Level
Giese, M., Unternaehrer, E., Brand, S., Calabrese, P., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., & Eckert, A. (2013). The interplay of stress and sleep impacts BDNF level. PloS one, 8(10), e76050.…
Introduction: Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators: The good and bad sides of the response to stress
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Understanding Resilience and Preventing and Treating PTSD
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A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics
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A qualitative analysis of the Three Good Things intervention in healthcare workers
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Wellbeing Across Occupations and in the Emergency Services: a Mixed Methods Study
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Master resilience training in the U.S. Army
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Teammates and social influence affect weight loss outcomes in a team-based weight loss competition
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Social influences are associated with BMI and weight loss intentions in young adults
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Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalization of self-report scales based on personality descriptions from acquaintances, clinicians, and the self
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A New Scale for Adolescent Resilience: Grasping the Central Protective Resources Behind Healthy Development
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Adolescent resilience: a concept analysis
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Teammates and social influence affect weight loss outcomes in a team-based weight loss competition
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Social influences are associated with BMI and weight loss intentions in young adults
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Social Stress Engages Neurochemically-Distinct Afferents to the Rat Locus Coeruleus Depending on Coping Strategy
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Spatial memory is improved by aerobic and resistance exercise through divergent molecular mechanisms
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Shorter term aerobic exercise improves brain, cognition, and cardiovascular fitness in aging
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Aerobic exercise training increases brain volume in aging humans
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Is strength training associated with mortality benefits? A 15year cohort study of US older adults.
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Resistance training promotes cognitive and functional brain plasticity in seniors with probable mild cognitive impairment: A 6-month randomized controlled trial
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Psychosocial working conditions and the utilization of health care services
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Annual Research Review: Digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems–a systematic and meta‐review
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Beyond the trial: systematic review of real-world uptake and engagement with digital self-help interventions for depression, low mood, or anxiety
Fleming, T., Bavin, L., Lucassen, M., Stasiak, K., Hopkins, S., & Merry, S. (2018). Beyond the trial: systematic review of real-world uptake and engagement with digital self-help interventions for depression, low mood, or anxiety. Journal of medical Internet research, 20(6).…
A meta-analysis of computerized cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of DSM-5 anxiety disorders
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The promise of digital CBT-I
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The Value of Digital Insomnia Therapeutics: What We Know and What We Need To Know
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Effect of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on health, psychological well-being, and sleep-related quality of life: a randomized clinical trial
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A review of technology-assisted self-help and minimal contact therapies for anxiety and depression: is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
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Cognitive behavior therapy via the Internet: a systematic review of applications, clinical efficacy and cost–effectiveness
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Advantages and limitations of Internet‐based interventions for common mental disorders
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A 3.5-year follow-up of Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for major depression
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Behavioral intervention technologies: evidence review and recommendations for future research in mental health
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Therapist-assisted Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for depression and anxiety: translating evidence into clinical practice.
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Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents with anxiety disorders: A feasibility study
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Therapeutic alliance in guided internet therapy programs for depression and anxiety disorders–a systematic review
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The impact of guidance on Internet-based mental health interventions—A systematic review
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The therapeutic alliance in internet interventions: a narrative review and suggestions for future research
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Facilitating and hindering factors in Internet-delivered treatment for insomnia and depression
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Computer‐aided psychotherapy for anxiety disorders: a meta‐analytic review
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Experiences of internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder four years later: a qualitative study
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The treatment gap in mental health care
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Computer-supported cognitive behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders
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Cognitive behavioral therapy for public-speaking anxiety using virtual reality for exposure
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Internet-based self-help for depression: Randomised controlled trial
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Internet-based self-help with therapist feedback and in vivo group exposure for social phobia: A randomized controlled trial
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2009). Internet-based self-help versus one-session exposure in the treatment of spider phobia: A randomized controlled trial
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Internet-based treatment for social phobia: A randomized controlled trial. Journal
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A self-applied, Internet-based intervention for fear of public speaking
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Telepsychology and self-help: The treatment of phobias using the Internet.
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Use of computeradministered cognitive-behavior therapy with depressed inpatients
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Harnessing context sensing to develop a mobile intervention for depression.
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Remote treatment of panic disorder: A randomized trial of Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy supplemented with telephone calls
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Treatment of panic disorder via the Internet: A randomized trial of a self-help program
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Treatment of panic disorder: Live therapy vs. self-help via the Internet
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An open study of Internet-based bibliotherapy with minimal therapist contact via email for social phobia
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Long-term outcome of Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy for social phobia: A 30-month follow-up
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Delivering interventions for depression by using the internet: Randomised controlled trial.
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Overcoming Depression on the Internet (ODIN): A randomized controlled trial of an Internet depression skills intervention program
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Integrative cognitive therapy for depression: a randomized pilot comparison
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Computer-assisted delivery of cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders in primary-care settings.
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Internet-based self-management of generalised anxiety disorder: A preliminary study
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improving and standardizing evaluation reports of Web-based and mobile health interventions
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Computer-assisted cognitive-behavior therapy for depression
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Usage and longitudinal effectiveness of a web-based self-help cognitive behavioral therapy program for panic disorder.
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Delivering cognitive behavior therapy to young adults with symptoms of depression and anxiety using a fully automated conversational agent (Woebot): a randomized controlled trial
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Internet-delivered treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress in university students: a patient preference trial
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Computer-assisted cognitive behavioral group therapy for social phobia.
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The differential effect of personality on computer-based treatment of agoraphobia
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Ecological momentary interventions: Incorporating mobile technology into psychosocial and health behaviour treatments
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An Internet-based self-change program for traumatic event related fear, distress, and maladaptive coping
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A systematic review and economic evaluation of computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression and anxiety
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Computerized cognitive behaviour therapy: A systematic review
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Self-monitoring using mobile phones in the early stages of adolescent depression: randomized controlled trial
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Internet-delivered indicated prevention for anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial
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2006). Internet-delivered indicated prevention for anxiety disorders: Six-month follow-up
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Computer-aided selfhelp for phobia/panic via Internet at home: A pilot study
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Is Internet-based CBT for panic disorder and agoraphobia as effective as face-to-face CBT?
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A brief Internet-based treatment for panic disorder.
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Efficacy of Internet therapy for panic disorder.
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Interapy. Treatment of posttraumatic stress through the Internet: A controlled trial
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Interapy: A controlled randomized trial of the standardized treatment of posttraumatic stress through the Internet.
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A randomized, controlled proof-ofconcept trial of an Internet-based, therapist-assisted self-management treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder.
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Evaluating a Web-based social anxiety intervention among university students: randomized controlled trial.
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Self-help and minimalcontact therapies for anxiety disorders: Is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
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Computer-based treatment for anxiety and depression: is it feasible? Is it effective?
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A mobile phone application for the assessment and management of youth mental health problems in primary care: a randomised controlled trial.
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Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for subthreshold depression in people over 50 years old: A random controlled clinical trial.
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One-year follow-up results of a randomized controlled clinical trial on Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for subthreshold depression in people over 50 years.
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Randomized clinical trial of an Internet-based depression prevention program for adolescents (Project CATCH-IT) in primary care: 12-week outcomes
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Cost-utility and cost-effectiveness of internet-based treatment for adults with depressive symptoms: randomized trial.
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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor acutely enhances tyrosine phosphorylation of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 via NMDA receptor-dependent mechanisms
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Brain-derived neurotrophic factor regulates the expression and synaptic delivery of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptor subunits in hippocampal neurons
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Serum cortisol and BDNF in patients with major depression-effect of yoga
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The stress hormone cortisol blocks perceptual learning in humans
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Learning and memory under stress: implications for the classroom
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Relationship Between Brain-Derived Neurotrofic Factor (Bdnf) and Sleep on Depression: A Critical Review
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Weight Loss During the Intensive Intervention Phase of the Weight-Loss Maintenance Trial
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Prefrontal Plasticity and Stress Inoculation-Induced Resilience
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Relationships between psychological, physical, and behavioural health and work performance: A review and meta-analysis
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Psychogenic Pain—What It Means, Why It Does Not Exist, and How to Diagnose It
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Understanding Resilience and Preventing and Treating PTSD
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Neurophysiological symptoms and aspartame: What is the connection?
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Pilot Study of the Tart Cherry Juice for the Treatment of Insomnia and Investigation of Mechanisms
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A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics
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Wellbeing Across Occupations and in the Emergency Services: a Mixed Methods Study
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Master resilience training in the U.S. Army
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Resilience Training for Firefighters: A Proposed Approach
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Health disorders of shift workers
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The Predictive 6-Factor Resilience Scale: Neurobiological Fundamentals and Organizational Application
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Stigma starts early: Gender differences in teen willingness to use mental health services
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Stigma and Help Seeking for Mental Health Among College Students
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The Stigma of Psychiatric Disorders and the Gender, Ethnicity, and Education of the Perceiver
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Understanding Resilience and Preventing and Treating PTSD
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“Why” or “How”: The Effect of Concrete Versus Abstract Processing on Intrusive Memories Following Analogue Trauma
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Cognitive appraisals, objectivity and coping in ambulance workers: a pilot study
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Healthy humour: Using humour to cope at work
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A systematic review of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics
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First Responders: Behavioral Health Concerns, Emergency Response, and Trauma
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Neuroticism Increases PTSD Symptom Severity by Amplifying the Emotionality, Rehearsal, and Centrality of Trauma Memories
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There Is No Such Thing as an Ex- Firefighter! Reaching Out to Retirees
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Wellbeing across occupations and in the emergency services: A mixed methods study
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Why Firefighters Take Their Own Lives.
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Firefighter Suicide: The Need to Examine Cultural Change
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The role of social isolation in suicide
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Veteran and first responder mental ill health and suicide prevention: A scoping review of prevention and early intervention programs used in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the United Kingdom
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Job stressors, emotional exhaustion, and need for recovery: A multi-source study on the benefits of psychological detachment
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A qualitative analysis of the Three Good Things intervention in healthcare workers
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The dual process model of coping with bereavement: rationale and description
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Wellbeing Across Occupations and in the Emergency Services: a Mixed Methods Study
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High quality connections
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Whatever Gets You Through Today: An Examination of Cynical Humor Among Emergency Service Professionals
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Master resilience training in the U.S. Army
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Resilience Training for Firefighters: A Proposed Approach
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Loss, trauma, and human resilience: have we underestimated the human capacity to thrive after extremely aversive events?
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Compassion Fatigue Following the September 11 Terrorist Attacks: A Study of Secondary Trauma among New York City Social Workers
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Maladaptive self-appraisals before trauma exposure predict posttraumatic stress disorder
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Stress and Coping Strategies Among Firefighters and Recruits
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A Comprehensive Approach to Workplace Stress & Trauma in Fire-Fighting: A Review Document Prepared for The International Association of Firefighters 17th Redmond Symposium
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First Responders: Behavioral Health Concerns, Emergency Response, and Trauma
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Health disorders of shift workers
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Vicarious traumatization and secondary traumatic stress
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Supervision for Trauma-Informed Practice
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“Why” or “How”: The Effect of Concrete Versus Abstract Processing on Intrusive Memories Following Analogue Trauma
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The Primary Prevention of PTSD in Firefighters: Preliminary Results of an RCT with 12-Month Follow-Up
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The Primary Prevention of PTSD: A Systematic Review
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Occupational health effects for firefighters: The extent and implications of physical and psychological injuries
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The future of employment: how susceptible are jobs to computerisation?
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Technology at work v2. 0: the future is not what it used to be
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Using Psychological Artificial Intelligence (Tess) to Relieve Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety: Randomized Controlled Trial
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A review of technology-assisted self-help and minimal contact therapies for anxiety and depression: is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
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A meta-analysis of computerized cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of DSM-5 anxiety disorders.
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Guided Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for mild and moderate depression: a benchmarking study
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Computer program in the treatment for major depression and cognitive impairment in university students
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Virtual reality exposure in the treatment of social anxiety
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A review of technology-assisted self-help and minimal contact therapies for anxiety and depression: is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
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Improving employee well-being and effectiveness: systematic review and meta-analysis of web-based psychological interventions delivered in the workplace
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Annual Research Review: Digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems–a systematic and meta‐review
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Beyond the trial: systematic review of real-world uptake and engagement with digital self-help interventions for depression, low mood, or anxiety
Fleming, T., Bavin, L., Lucassen, M., Stasiak, K., Hopkins, S., & Merry, S. (2018). Beyond the trial: systematic review of real-world uptake and engagement with digital self-help interventions for depression, low mood, or anxiety. Journal of medical Internet research, 20(6).…
A meta-analysis of computerized cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of DSM-5 anxiety disorders
Adelman, C. B., Panza, K. E., Bartley, C. A., Bontempo, A., & Bloch, M. H. (2014). A meta-analysis of computerized cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of DSM-5 anxiety disorders.…
The promise of digital CBT-I
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The Value of Digital Insomnia Therapeutics: What We Know and What We Need To Know
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Effect of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on health, psychological well-being, and sleep-related quality of life: a randomized clinical trial
Espie, C. A., Emsley, R., Kyle, S. D., Gordon, C., Drake, C. L., Siriwardena, A. N., … & Freeman, D. (2019). Effect of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on health, psychological well-being, and sleep-related quality of life: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA psychiatry, 76(1), 21-30.…
A review of technology-assisted self-help and minimal contact therapies for anxiety and depression: is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
Newman, M. G., Szkodny, L. E., Llera, S. J., & Przeworski, A. (2011). A review of technology-assisted self-help and minimal contact therapies for anxiety and depression: is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?. Clinical psychology review, 31(1), 89-103.…
Cognitive behavior therapy via the Internet: a systematic review of applications, clinical efficacy and cost–effectiveness
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Advantages and limitations of Internet‐based interventions for common mental disorders
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A 3.5-year follow-up of Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for major depression
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Behavioral intervention technologies: evidence review and recommendations for future research in mental health
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Therapist-assisted Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for depression and anxiety: translating evidence into clinical practice.
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Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for adolescents with anxiety disorders: A feasibility study
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Therapeutic alliance in guided internet therapy programs for depression and anxiety disorders–a systematic review
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The impact of guidance on Internet-based mental health interventions—A systematic review
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The therapeutic alliance in internet interventions: a narrative review and suggestions for future research
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Facilitating and hindering factors in Internet-delivered treatment for insomnia and depression
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Computer‐aided psychotherapy for anxiety disorders: a meta‐analytic review
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Experiences of internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder four years later: a qualitative study
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The treatment gap in mental health care
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Computer-supported cognitive behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders
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Cognitive behavioral therapy for public-speaking anxiety using virtual reality for exposure
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Internet-based self-help for depression: Randomised controlled trial
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Internet-based self-help with therapist feedback and in vivo group exposure for social phobia: A randomized controlled trial
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2009). Internet-based self-help versus one-session exposure in the treatment of spider phobia: A randomized controlled trial
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Internet-based treatment for social phobia: A randomized controlled trial. Journal
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A self-applied, Internet-based intervention for fear of public speaking
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Telepsychology and self-help: The treatment of phobias using the Internet.
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Use of computeradministered cognitive-behavior therapy with depressed inpatients
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Harnessing context sensing to develop a mobile intervention for depression.
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Remote treatment of panic disorder: A randomized trial of Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy supplemented with telephone calls
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Treatment of panic disorder via the Internet: A randomized trial of a self-help program
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Treatment of panic disorder: Live therapy vs. self-help via the Internet
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An open study of Internet-based bibliotherapy with minimal therapist contact via email for social phobia
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Long-term outcome of Internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy for social phobia: A 30-month follow-up
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Delivering interventions for depression by using the internet: Randomised controlled trial.
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Overcoming Depression on the Internet (ODIN): A randomized controlled trial of an Internet depression skills intervention program
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Integrative cognitive therapy for depression: a randomized pilot comparison
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Internet-based self-management of generalised anxiety disorder: A preliminary study
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improving and standardizing evaluation reports of Web-based and mobile health interventions
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Computer-assisted cognitive-behavior therapy for depression
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Usage and longitudinal effectiveness of a web-based self-help cognitive behavioral therapy program for panic disorder.
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Delivering cognitive behavior therapy to young adults with symptoms of depression and anxiety using a fully automated conversational agent (Woebot): a randomized controlled trial
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Internet-delivered treatment for depression, anxiety, and stress in university students: a patient preference trial
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Computer-assisted cognitive behavioral group therapy for social phobia.
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The differential effect of personality on computer-based treatment of agoraphobia
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Ecological momentary interventions: Incorporating mobile technology into psychosocial and health behaviour treatments
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An Internet-based self-change program for traumatic event related fear, distress, and maladaptive coping
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A systematic review and economic evaluation of computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for depression and anxiety
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Computerized cognitive behaviour therapy: A systematic review
Kaltenthaler, E., Parry, G., & Beverley, C. (2004). Computerized cognitive behaviour therapy: A systematic review. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 32, 31−55…
Self-monitoring using mobile phones in the early stages of adolescent depression: randomized controlled trial
Kauer SD, Reid SC, Crooke AH, Khor A, Hearps SJ, Jorm AF, Sanci L, Patton G. Self-monitoring using mobile phones in the early stages of adolescent depression: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2012 Jun;14(3):e67. doi: 10.2196/jmir.1858. [PMCID: PMC3414872] [PubMed: 22732135] [CrossRef: 10.2196/jmir.1858]…
Internet-delivered indicated prevention for anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial
Kenardy, J., McCafferty, K., & Rosa, V. (2003). Internet-delivered indicated prevention for anxiety disorders: A randomized controlled trial. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31, 279−289. doi:10.1017/S1352465803003047.…
2006). Internet-delivered indicated prevention for anxiety disorders: Six-month follow-up
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Computer-aided selfhelp for phobia/panic via Internet at home: A pilot study
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Is Internet-based CBT for panic disorder and agoraphobia as effective as face-to-face CBT?
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A brief Internet-based treatment for panic disorder.
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Efficacy of Internet therapy for panic disorder.
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Interapy. Treatment of posttraumatic stress through the Internet: A controlled trial
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Interapy: A controlled randomized trial of the standardized treatment of posttraumatic stress through the Internet.
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A randomized, controlled proof-ofconcept trial of an Internet-based, therapist-assisted self-management treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder.
Litz, B. T., Engel, C. C., Bryant, R. A., & Papa, A. (2007). A randomized, controlled proof-ofconcept trial of an Internet-based, therapist-assisted self-management treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 164, 1676−1683.…
Virtual humans increase willingness to disclose.
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Evaluating a Web-based social anxiety intervention among university students: randomized controlled trial.
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Smartphone-based conversational agents and responses to questions about mental health, interpersonal violence, and physical health.
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The use of hand-held computers as an adjunct to cognitive-behavior therapy.
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Computers in assessment and cognitive behavioral treatment of clinical disorders: Anxiety as a case in point.
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Comparison of palmtopcomputer-assisted brief cognitive–behavioral treatment to cognitive–behavioral treatment for panic disorder.
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Self-help and minimalcontact therapies for anxiety disorders: Is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
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Computer-based treatment for anxiety and depression: is it feasible? Is it effective?
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A mobile phone application for the assessment and management of youth mental health problems in primary care: a randomised controlled trial.
Reid SC, Kauer SD, Hearps SJ, Crooke AH, Khor AS, Sanci LA, Patton GC. A mobile phoneapplication for the assessment and management of youth mental health problems in primary care: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Fam Pract. 2011;12:131. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-12-131. [PMCID: PMC3247177] [PubMed: 22123031] [CrossRef: 10.1186/1471-2296-12-131]…
Real-time tailoring of depression counseling by conversational agent.
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User acceptance of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy for depression: systematic review.
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Computeradministered cognitive–behavioral therapy for depression
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Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for subthreshold depression in people over 50 years old: A random controlled clinical trial.
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One-year follow-up results of a randomized controlled clinical trial on Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for subthreshold depression in people over 50 years.
Spek, V., Cuijpers, P., Nyklíček, I., Smits, N., Riper, H., Keyzer, J., et al. (2008). One-year follow-up results of a randomized controlled clinical trial on Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for subthreshold depression in people over 50 years. Psychological Medicine, 38, 635−639…
Computer-assisted cognitive-behavioral therapy.
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Treating university students with social phobia and public speaking fears: Internet delivered self-help with or without live group exposure sessions.
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Is cognitive-behavioral therapy more effective than other therapies? A meta-analytic review.
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Patient smartphone ownership and interest in mobile apps to monitor symptoms of mental health conditions: a survey in four geographically distinct psychiatric clinics.
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Utilizing a personal smartphone custom app to assess the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) depressive symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder.
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Randomized clinical trial of an Internet-based depression prevention program for adolescents (Project CATCH-IT) in primary care: 12-week outcomes
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Cost-utility and cost-effectiveness of internet-based treatment for adults with depressive symptoms: randomized trial.
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Self-disclosure on computer forms: meta-analysis and implications
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Efficacy and Utility of Computer-Assisted Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
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