
Certified Resilience First Aid Instructor

Maryke Botes

Industry Focus:

Corporate, Mining, Construction, Education and Public


  • Located in Perth, Western Australia
  • Available for travel within Western Australia
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RFA Instructor
PR6 Toolkit

Instructor Bio

Maryke has over 30 years of facilitation and coaching experience and is a certified positive practitioner, emotional intelligence coach, and trainer. She has a wealth of experience working in business, local government, non-profit, and community sectors and in higher and vocational education.

Maryke is passionate about people, mental health, well-being and emotional intelligence. She is dedicated to assisting clients in identifying their values, leading fulfilling lives, fostering resilience, and acquiring the skills needed to deal with life’s adversities. Maryke leads seminars and workshops on improving mental health and well-being, developing resilience to manage stress and coping with change.

What will you learn?

Learn how to proactively build mental wellness in people you care about

Learn how to support others through six resilience domains

Learn language to talk proactively about mental health

Learn how to respond when someone is struggling

Learn a strength-based model to become a source of hope

Learn how to connect meaningfully to support those around you

Resilience First Aid

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, you will:

Don’t wait until the people around you are struggling.

Take on the challenge now to build mental health proactively. This is how we can make a long term impact.

- Jurie Rossouw

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