
Certified Resilience First Aid Instructor

Dawn A. Altmaier

Industry Focus:

Military members and their families


  • Dawn resides near Spokane, Washington
  • She can travel to military installations
  • She can do remote workshops as well

Instructor Bio

Mrs. Dawn A Altmaier is the Community Support Coordinator and Installation Resiliency Specialist for the 92 Air Refueling Wing, Fairchild AFB, Washington. She serves as the Community Action Team (CAT) Chair and the Community Action Board Executive (CAB) Executive Director. Additionally, she oversees the Resiliency Program and coordinates with helping agencies to ensure the wing is providing support to Airmen, retirees, veterans, civilians, and their families. Ms. Altmaier also monitors trend data and ensures implementation of the Air Force Suicide Prevention Program. Furthermore, she oversees Military Family Summits and Wingman Day Activities. She is certified to facilitate Resilience First Aid, Emotional Intelligence, True Colors, and Unconscious Bias. Her additional duties include serving as the Wing Diversity and Inclusion Program Manager and the Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Manager.


Prior to her current position, Mrs. Altmaier served in various duties in Traffic Management, including packing and crating, freight movements, inbound and outbound personal property, and passenger travel. She also worked in the combat readiness flight where she performed duties as a deployment manager, support agreement and plans coordinator, security manager, and individual mobilization augmentee manager. Additionally, she served as a Hazardous Material Certification, Technical Training, and Basic Instructor Course instructor. She was also a Wing plans and programs manager where she became the Wing OPSEC Manager and led Wing level exercises and inspections. Her final assignment was as a First Sergeant in various units at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington.


Mrs. Altmaier was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico and is graduate of Charles M. Russell High School, Great Falls, Montana. In 2017, she earned her Masters of Education Degree with a focus in Leadership Development from Wayland Baptist University, Texas.

What will you learn?

Learn how to proactively build mental wellness in people you care about

Learn how to support others through six resilience domains

Learn language to talk proactively about mental health

Learn how to respond when someone is struggling

Learn a strength-based model to become a source of hope

Learn how to connect meaningfully to support those around you

Resilience First Aid

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, you will:

Don’t wait until the people around you are struggling.

Take on the challenge now to build mental health proactively. This is how we can make a long term impact.

- Jurie Rossouw

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