
Certified Resilience First Aid Instructor

Mike Taigman

Industry Focus:

Emergency Services


Santa Barbara, California, USA

Available for travel



Instructor Bio

A former paramedic, Mike has authored more than 600 articles in professional journals and worked with emergency services and healthcare organizations in 49 of the 50 states, most of the Canadian Provinces, Israel, Palestine, Australia, and throughout Europe. His expertise includes stress management, resilience, EMS street survival, patient-centered leadership, and improvement science.


Mike serves as Improvement Guide for FirstWatch and leads ResilientFirst, the neuroscience-based resilience training program. Mike also teaches improvement science as an Assistant Professor in the University of California San Francisco’s MS in Healthcare Administration and Interprofessional Leadership and as an Adjunct Professor in UMBC’s MA in Emergency Health Services Management. He’s the author with his wife Sascha Liebowitz book, Super-Charge Your Stress Management in the Time of COVID-19 https://combatcovidstress.com.


He lives in Santa Barbara, California, USA with his wife, and incredibly resilient son. 

What will you learn?

Learn how to proactively build mental wellness in people you care about

Learn how to support others through six resilience domains

Learn language to talk proactively about mental health

Learn how to respond when someone is struggling

Learn a strength-based model to become a source of hope

Learn how to connect meaningfully to support those around you

Resilience First Aid

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, you will:

Don’t wait until the people around you are struggling.

Take on the challenge now to build mental health proactively. This is how we can make a long term impact.

- Jurie Rossouw

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