
Certified Resilience First Aid Instructor

Sue Liptrott

Industry Focus:

Community, Education, Corporate


Available on the Central Coast region New South Wales for face-to-face delivery

Instructor Bio

Sue Liptrott is the Executive Officer of Iris Foundation, a not for profit organisation working to reduce the risk of suicide on the Central Coast of NSW through primary prevention. She has been involved with Iris Foundation since its inception in 2006, and is dedicated to building strengths and instilling hope in others.


Sue has a background in finance and business, having worked in the field of business development in both small business and corporate sectors. She is skilled in management and staff engagement and has brought those skills to the community sector, along with a passion for driving community cohesiveness.


“Resilience First Aid is a game changer. The course reframes some old understandings of resilience and sheds light on modern resilience concepts based on current research and neuroscience. This is so timely and needed as we navigate our way through the ever changing landscape of our world.”

What will you learn?

Learn how to proactively build mental wellness in people you care about

Learn how to support others through six resilience domains

Learn language to talk proactively about mental health

Learn how to respond when someone is struggling

Learn a strength-based model to become a source of hope

Learn how to connect meaningfully to support those around you

Resilience First Aid

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, you will:

Don’t wait until the people around you are struggling.

Take on the challenge now to build mental health proactively. This is how we can make a long term impact.

- Jurie Rossouw

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