
Certified Resilience First Aid Instructor

Wendy Jenkins OAM

Industry Focus:



Located in Melbourne

Available for travel nationally within Australia and can do remote workshops

Instructor Bio

Wendy Jenkins is no stranger to change and adversity. As a newlywed looking forward to her next chapter, Wendy was diagnosed with a life-threatening lung condition and given two years to live without a rare and risky double lung transplant procedure. While lucky enough to match with a donor, the double lung transplant left Wendy with ongoing complex health issues, which prevented her from having children, shortened her life expectancy, and led to severe depression and PTSD. 


Determined to overcome mental illness and improve her wellbeing, Wendy discovered a strong passion for neuroscience-based resilience and the way our nervous system and brain work to give us mental strength. She believes no matter what challenges and adversity you face – the way you respond is key. 


More than 15 years later, Wendy is a certified resilience coach, successful entrepreneur, sought-after speaker and a strong advocate for advancing forward – not just bouncing back. A highly experienced human resources practitioner, Wendy is dedicated to empowering forward-thinking businesses to be their best through neuroscience-based resilience training and is an engaging certified Resilience First Aid Instructor.

What will you learn?

Learn how to proactively build mental wellness in people you care about

Learn how to support others through six resilience domains

Learn language to talk proactively about mental health

Learn how to respond when someone is struggling

Learn a strength-based model to become a source of hope

Learn how to connect meaningfully to support those around you

Resilience First Aid

Course Outcome

On completion of the course, you will:

Don’t wait until the people around you are struggling.

Take on the challenge now to build mental health proactively. This is how we can make a long term impact.

- Jurie Rossouw

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