
Mind Fit Retreat

Exploring the neuroscience of resilience Be immersed in the latest neuroscience research in Mind Health – learn about optimal brain states, the critical importance of neurotransmitters, brain activation sites, and how basic interventions can ameliorate symptoms of developing mental health problems. Two day retreat Salutegenics Psychology will be delivering a two day retreat on Brain … Read more

International Mental Health Conference

A Leading Event for Mental Health Professionals 2022 International Mental Health Conference Previously 18 – 20 October 2021, now postponed to Monday 31st January – Wednesday 2nd February 2022 RACV Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast Unite with a Community Changing the Face of Mental Health The International Mental Health Conference is designed for professionals, workers … Read more

Global First Responder Resilience Summit

Supporting Our Heroic First Responders and Public Safety Professionals A Six-Day Online Summit Featuring Leading Experts in Supporting Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Fitness, Wellbeing & Resilience for First Responders and Public Safety Professionals. This Summit will provide evidence-based solutions, strategies and skills for building and sustaining fitness, wellbeing and resilience. First responders can employ these strategies to mitigate the … Read more

Resiliency 2021: Empowering Voices That Build Resilience

THE LARGEST RESILIENCY WEBINAR ON THE PLANET In 2020, over 5000 participants from 69 countries around the world, joined together to focus on strategies to enhance their resiliency in an ever-changing world. 29 celebrities shared their voice and vision for personal empowerment in a 4-hour webinar that included Arianna Huffington, Erin Brockovich, India.Arie, Glenn Close, … Read more

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