
Resilience First Aid Instructor Information Session

Resilience First Aid Instructor INformation Sessions

Resilience First Aid is an exciting new program focusing on how we can prevent mental illness through proactively building resilience in people around us.


The course includes a practical conversational protocol, frequently cited by alumni as a powerful approach that has changed how they interact with people and made them more mindful to have good conversations.

This session will discuss how you can become a Resilience First Aid Instructor, learning how to provide the certification course and using all the comprehensive materials that you’ll gain access to.


What we will cover:

  • What is Resilience First Aid
  • What participants gain when they complete the Resilience First Aid certification
  • How the Resilience First Aid Instructor program works
  • The resources and materials you’ll get access to

Join in to learn all about this program and how you can become part of a broader shift in the world towards being proactive about mental health.

Date: 23 September 2022

Presenter: Jurie Rossouw

Time: 10:00am to 10:45am Sydney time

Registration required: Click below to register now

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